Is Social Media another “because everybody else is” event? Absolutely not, social media is yet another way to connect with your clients. You just need to use the correct tool correctly. Most of us already use e-mail, which is a form of social media, many of you are using e-mail programs such as Constant Contact or iContact to manage your database lists and to send a monthly newsletter to your clients. These types of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools, help you not only keep your customer list up-to-date, but they also help you to abide by the Can Spam Act of 2003. If used correctly these e-mail campaigns can help you stay in front of your clients so they will remember you when they need the service(s) you provide.
Social Media today includes Linkedin, Facebook, MySpace (though MySpace is losing ground to Facebook and MySpace is not necessarily the right place for most businesses) and Twitter. And when talking about Social Media, let’s not forget blogging. Just remember that for all of these media you need to relay information that will be meaningful to your clients, that will give them information about your company, products, or services that will make them think more highly of your offering.
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